Key Components of our suite

Cybersecurity awareness

Using our product Z-Phish we educate and enable your employees to mitigate cyber-attacks.

Zero trust security and monitoring

Using our zero trust security and monitoring (ZSAM), organizations can migrate their systems, applications and infrastructure to zero trust.

Red team engagement

Targeted assessments and attacks on your organization's people, systems and infrastructure.

Z-Phish Cybersecurity awareness

Many studies and reports attribute 85% of cyber-attacks to human error. Hence educating and enabling your team to handle cyber-attacks is the need of the hour for all organizations.

Simulated phishing emails

Our simulated phishing emails are tailor-made for specific departments in your organization to educate them to avoid phishing mail attacks.

CFO email to treasury team
CEO email to a regional retail store
High discount eemails on luxury brands

E-learning security etiquette

This self learning module educates your team on following topics

Safe web browsing
Password management
Device management
Data management
Reporting Incidents

Instructor-lead workshops

Our cybersecurity experts will conduct team-specific cybersecurity workshops

Red team engagement


Cyber-attacks aimed at organization’s people by using various social engineering techniques like phishing emails, text and phone calls


Cyber-attacks aimed at organization’s systems to try and penetrate the defences


Cyber-attacks aimed at organization’s Infrastructure to try and identify vulnerabilities and misconfiguration